Brazos Valley Community
Clean-Up Challenge
Registration Opens
February 14th
Challenge Dates
March 1st – May 31st
The Community Shred Event will be held on Saturday, April 12th at the City of Bryan Public Works –
1111 Waco St. Bryan, Texas 77803 from 8:00-2:00. It is open to residents in all 7 counties.
Make sure to enter BVCleanup25 when you log your clean-up in 2025.
About the Brazos Valley Community Clean-up Challenge
The Brazos Valley Community Clean-up Challenge is an annual cleanup event open to all communities in the Brazos Valley region (Brazos, Burleson, Grimes, Leon, Madison, Robertson, and Washington Counties) who want to clean up their community.
Participants may enter as a city or community or organization and one of them will be the BIG WINNER!
The community with the most litter collected during their cleanup can proudly display their trophy in their City Hall or in their County or organization. Each year the trophy will move from Community to Community adding their name to the legacy of litter cleanup efforts in the Brazos Valley.
The Community Shred Event will be held on Saturday, April 12th at the City of Bryan Public Works –
1111 Waco St. Bryan, Texas 77803 from 8:00-2:00. It is open to residents in all 7 counties.